City of Santa Rosa, CA

City of Santa Rosa, CA


Find the latest resources and information available for installing solar power and expanding the solar market in the City of Santa Rosa, whether you're a resident, business, installer or local government agency.

The City is well positioned for solar market growth due to a mix of renewable energy goals and supportive policies. Transitioning to solar power not only provides environmental benefits like enhanced air quality, but it also delivers a host of economic benefits from green job creation to market development. Below, there is a direct link to the City's interactive policy roadmap designed to increase local solar installations by making it easier and more cost-effective to ‘go solar’.

Santa Rosa was named as a Solar America City by the U.S. Department of Energy in 2008, which supported the creation of a model for urban solar energy use. View the program summary.

Santa Rosa is a part of the San Francisco Bay Area region.

Community Profile

167,815 population
33% renewables by 2020
41 square miles

Residential Solar Potential

Upgrade to LEADER plan to display your community's solar potential.


The ASTI team has worked in close coordination with the City to develop a customized, interactive solar roadmap containing guidance on how to transform the local solar market. Each recommendation in the roadmap is supported with relevant reports, case studies, examples, and templates to support local and regional implementation efforts.

showPermitting Process

1 of 15 Goals In Progress
10 of 15 Goals Achieved
Local Priority

[P1-CA] (AB2188 Mandate) Use Standard Permit Application Materials Specific to PV Systems(32)

Solar PV specific permit application available for residential systems only

City currently at best practice.

[P2] Make Permit Application Form Available Online(176)

Permit application form online

City currently at best practice.

[P3] Allow Electronic Submittal of Application Form(87)

Electronic submittal not currently available

Allow email submittal of permit application forms for qualifying projects.

[P4] Require only 1 Permit Application Submittal(164)

1 submittal

City currently at best practice.

[P5-CA] Post Permit and Inspection Process Information and Fee Schedule Online(40)

Process information available online

City currently at best practice.

[P6] Streamline Permit Processing Time and Allow Expedited Process for Qualifying Projects(75)

Within 3 business days residential, 6-15 business days commercial; expedited process available

City currently at best practice for residential projects and expedited permitting. Consider issuing or denying commercial permits within 5 business days.

[P7-CA] Base Residential Permit Fee on Actual Cost to Administer(55)

Permit fee of $199 for residential projects

City currently at best practice.

[P8-CA] Base Commercial Permit Fee on Actual Cost to Administer(37)

Commercial permit fee structured as open-ended valuation

Permit fee for commercial systems is based on cost recovery or a flat fee no more than $1,000 for systems <50 kW, plus $7 for every kW between 51 kW and 250 kW, plus $5 for every kW over 250 kW. Open-ended valuation based fee structures are inconsistent with State law.

[P9] Minimize Inspection Turnaround Time(147)

Within 2 business days

City currently at best practice.

[P10] Offer Convenient Inspection Scheduling(94)

2 hour appointment window

City currently at best practice.

[P11] Require only 1 Inspection Visit(82)

Single comprehensive inspection

City currently at best practice.

[P12-CA] (AB2188 Mandate) Adopt an Inspection Checklist(13)

A standard inspection checklist for PV systems is not currently used

Utilize a standard inspection checklist for PV systems. The checklist serves as a guide for inspectors and installers containing points of emphasis and common issues.

[P13-CA] (AB2188 Mandate) Allow a Structural Exemption for Qualifying Systems(26)

Approval from structural engineer not required for residential systems

City currently at best practice.

[P14-CA] Understand New California Solar-Specific Building, Electrical, and Fire Codes (Title 24)(55)

Current knowledge level of staff regarding recent solar standards unknown.

Permitting department understands latest changes to the 2013 California Building, Residential, and Fire Codes that apply to Solar PV installations.

[P15-CA] (AB2188 Mandate) Adopt An Expedited Solar Permitting Ordinance(4)

Working on adopting an ordinance

showPlanning & Zoning

2 of 5 Goals Achieved

[Z1-CA] Develop a Local Ordinance that Protects Solar Rights and Access(36)

No local ordinance for solar rights and access

Create local ordinances that go beyond the CA Solar Rights Act and Solar Shade Control Act, which would protect property owners' right to install solar and ensure their property has unobstructed access to direct sunlight.

[Z2-CA] Develop a Local Ordinance that requires Solar Ready Construction(15)

City has adopted a renewable energy ordinance that supports solar installations

City currently at best practice.

[Z4-CA] Incorporate Solar Priorities into Comprehensive, Energy or Climate Action Plans(45)

Solar development has been used to reach greenhouse gas reduction targets

City currently at best practice.

[Z5-CA] Update Local Zoning Standards and Review for Solar Installations(32)

Most buildings zoned for solar under special use regulations, but not all

Restrictive covenants must be appropriately minimized in order to maximize local opportunities to harness and benefit from solar energy. View special use standards at:

[Z6-CA] Update Local Zoning Standards and Review for Solar Installations - Historic and Viewshed Areas(14)

Special use standards for solar installations in historical and viewshed areas

Ensure the zoning codes and ordinances that govern solar installations in aesthetically sensitive areas do not adversely affect property owners' ability to install solar. Allow staff members to review and approve applications when possible rather than requiring committee or planning commission review. CA Solar Rights Act requires that local governments use an administrative, non-discretionary review process for on-site solar energy systems that do not place restrictions on visual or aesthetic concerns.

showFinancing Options

3 of 3 Goals Achieved

[F5a] Explore Implementation of Local PACE Financing Pilot Program (73)

PACE financing available through Sonoma County Energy Independence Program

City currently at best practice. Information available at:

[F6] Encourage Local Financial Stakeholders to Establish New Solar Loan Programs(63)

Green loans offered by local financial institutions for solar financing

City currently at best practice.

[F7] Promote Availability of Existing Solar Finance Options and Evaluation Tools(38)

Solar Sonoma County offers online resources for financing and evaluation

City currently at best practice. This information can be found for residential customers at:; and commercial customers at:

showSolar Market Development

3 of 4 Goals Achieved

[M6] Explore Installing Solar at Municipal Facilities, Including Landfill and Water Treatment Facilities(62)

Exploring larger solar projects on waste treatment plants

City currently at best practice.

[M6a] Survey Brownfield Sites for Solar Development Opportunities(12)

No known solar development at local brownfield sites.

Establish a working group to identify Brownfield sites and solar development options across the state, following the best practices and case studies provided. Share information with market stakeholders.

[M7] Publicize Solar Workforce Development Resources and Industry Training Tools(21)

Workforce development resources for solar industry available through Solar Sonoma County

City currently at best practice. Industry resources are available at:

[M8] Provide Solar Educational Resources to Constituents(77)

Sonoma County Energy Independence Program provides educational resources for solar

City currently at best practice. Educational resources are available at:
