City of San Joaquin, CA

City of San Joaquin, CA


Find the latest resources and information available for installing solar power and expanding the solar market in the City of San Joaquin, whether you're a resident, business, installer or local government agency.

The City is situated in an excellent area for solar due its above average solar energy resource. Transitioning to solar power not only provides environmental benefits like enhanced air quality, but it also delivers a host of economic benefits from green job creation to market development. Below, there is a direct link to the City's interactive policy roadmap designed to increase local solar installations by making it easier and more cost-effective to "go solar".

San Joaquin is a part of the San Joaquin Valley region.

Community Profile

4,001 population
33% renewables by 2020
1 square miles

Residential Solar Potential

Upgrade to LEADER plan to display your community's solar potential.


The SSTI team has worked in close coordination with the City to develop a customized, interactive solar roadmap containing guidance on how to transform the local solar market. Each recommendation in the roadmap is supported with relevant reports, case studies, examples, and templates to support local and regional implementation efforts.

showPermitting Process

6 of 13 Goals In Progress
3 of 13 Goals Achieved
Local Priority

[P1-CA] (AB2188 Mandate) Use Standard Permit Application Materials Specific to PV Systems(32)

General building permit used for all projects

Awaiting approval by CIty Council.

Consider adopting a standard permit application form specific to solar electric (PV) for qualifying projects less than 10kW.

[P2] Make Permit Application Form Available Online(176)

No permit application form online

City doesn't currently have a web presence for the Buildings Department.

As the city's website is developed further, consider making the PV permit application form available online.

[P3] Allow Electronic Submittal of Application Form(87)

No electronic submittal available

Consider allowing for electronic (online or email) submittal of permit application package for qualifying solar projects under 10kW, since California now allows an electronic seal in place of a wet stamp.

[P4] Require only 1 Permit Application Submittal(164)

1 submittal

City is currently at best practice.

[P5-CA] Post Permit and Inspection Process Information and Fee Schedule Online(40)

Incomplete process information online.

Intend to upload a 'how to' for the permit application form.

Provide clear written instructions on permitting and inspection processes along with a checklist of required application materials. Also, provide information on permit fee schedule, along with any rebates and incentives. Ideally, there is easy access from a primary menu page.

[P6] Streamline Permit Processing Time and Allow Expedited Process for Qualifying Projects(75)

2-3 business days residential, 14 days for commercial

City is currently at best practice for residential. Consider options for reducing commercial permit review and approval to fall within 5 business days.

[P7-CA] Base Residential Permit Fee on Actual Cost to Administer(55)

Permit fee is valuation based

Expressed willingness to consider moving towards a flat fee or to a fee based on cost recovery

Permit fee for residential systems is based on cost recovery or a flat fee no more than $500 for systems <15 kW. Larger systems can be $15 for every kilowatt (kW) over 15 kW. Open-ended valuation based fee structures are inconsistent with State law.

[P8-CA] Base Commercial Permit Fee on Actual Cost to Administer(37)

Permit fee is valuation based

Permit fee for commercial systems is based on cost recovery or a flat fee no more than $1,000 for systems <50 kW, plus $7 for every kW between 51 kW and 250 kW, plus $5 for every kW over 250 kW. Open-ended valuation based fee structures are inconsistent with State law

[P9] Minimize Inspection Turnaround Time(147)

1 business day

City currently at best practice.

[P10] Offer Convenient Inspection Scheduling(94)

4 hour appointment window

Provide an appointment window of 2 hours or less if possible. Provide real time updates prior to arrival so contractor is aware and prepared.

[P11] Require only 1 Inspection Visit(82)

4 inspections

Will look into cutting down # of inspections

Require a single, final permit inspection. OR Conduct pre-final inspections in a manner that does not require installer to halt work.

[P12-CA] (AB2188 Mandate) Adopt an Inspection Checklist(13)

No inspection checklist currently utilized.

Utilize a standard inspection checklist for PV systems. The checklist serves as a guide for inspectors and installers containing points of emphasis and common issues.

[P14-CA] Understand New California Solar-Specific Building, Electrical, and Fire Codes (Title 24)(55)

Accept solar standards from most recent code cycles

City currently at best practice.

showPlanning & Zoning

1 of 3 Goals In Progress
2 of 3 Goals Achieved

[Z4-CA] Incorporate Solar Priorities into Comprehensive, Energy or Climate Action Plans(45)

No solar friendly standards for new construction

Will look into for next update but not by Feb 14

As part of General Plan update, consider adoption of solar specific language, such as standards for new construction and solar access. See examples and model language associated with this objective.

[Z5-CA] Update Local Zoning Standards and Review for Solar Installations(32)

Solar friendly zoning ordinances and regulations

Consider adoption of zoning codes that have solar specific guidance and adoption of solar friendly design review standards. See examples and model language associated with this objective.

[Z7] Limit Impact of Restrictive Private Covenants(81)

No ordinances creating a barrier to solar

City currently at best practice.

showFinancing Options

2 of 2 Goals In Progress

[F6] Encourage Local Financial Stakeholders to Establish New Solar Loan Programs(63)

City is in the process of exploring finance program options

Will do once website is up

Continue to explore host of solar loan and financing resources (e.g. Residential and commercial PACE, GRID Alternatives, contractor-specific financing packages, etc.) for your region and publicize these resources to residents and business through appropriate municipal channels (e.g. online; in-person; print; etc).

[F7] Promote Availability of Existing Solar Finance Options and Evaluation Tools(38)

City is in the process of investigating other finance tools

Will do once website is up

Continue to develop a municipal revolving energy efficiency fund and consider extending this to allow for solar. Explore solar financing tools for your region and provide resources to increase visibility and understanding by residents. See objective for 1 or more examples associated with this objective.

showSolar Market Development

4 of 4 Goals In Progress

[M1] Support Aggregate Procurement Program for Residential Sector(40)

No working group

Plan to call into February 6 workshop

Support the development of a working group of community leaders and financing providers to evaluate aggregated purchasing options for residential solar based on successful case studies (see associated objective for additional details).

[M2] Support Aggregate Procurement Program for Commercial Sector(6)

No working group

Plan to call into February 6 workshop

Support the development of a working group of businesses and property owners to aggregate their facilities and buying power for solar evaluation and procurement to decrease energy costs while demonstrating their leadership (see associated objective for additional details).

[M7] Publicize Solar Workforce Development Resources and Industry Training Tools(21)

Partners with GRID Alternatives to offer trainings.

Will accomplish by uploading local/ regional solar resources

Consolidate regional and statewide standards and best practices, provide online as a resource to the installer community, and organize an outreach/training event to generate awareness and understanding (see associated objective for additional details and supporting resources).

[M8] Provide Solar Educational Resources to Constituents(77)

City has engaged in a series of green/sustainable community

Will accomplish by uploading local/ regional solar resources

Consider avenues to promote/ augment City's "cookbook" of bi-lingual sustainability community outreach programs and strategies, and leverage this for solar-related education and awareness building. Provide these online as a resource to the consumer market (residential and commercial), and organize outreach/training events to generate awareness and understanding across the community (see associated objective for additional details and supporting resources).
