City of Palo Alto Utilities

City of Palo Alto Utilities

This webpage has been created to help improve local solar market conditions and share the latest industry information for the City of Palo Alto Utilities and its customers.  There is also a direct link to the Utility's interactive policy roadmap designed to increase local solar installations by making it easier and more cost-effective to ‘go solar’.

City of Palo Alto Utilities is a municipal-owned utility that services the residents and businesses of Palo Alto, California located in Santa Clara County, in the San Francisco Bay Area. 


The ASTI team has worked in close coordination with the Utility to develop a customized, interactive solar roadmap containing guidance on how to transform the local solar market. Each recommendation in the roadmap is supported with relevant reports, case studies, examples, and templates to support local and regional implementation efforts.


showInterconnection Process

12 of 12 Goals Achieved

[I2] Interconnection Process Similar to FERC Standard(11)

Utility follows CA standard (CPUC Rule 21 and IEEE 1547)

Utility currently at best practice.

[I3] Use Separate Interconnection Tracks for Small Systems and Large Systems(6)

Small systems are fast tracked and large systems are not net metered, but are on Feed in Tariff

Utility currently at best practice.

[I8] Post Interconnection Process Information Online(4)

Interconnection process information online

Utility currently at best practice. Interconnection process information at

[I10] Streamline Application Processing Time(12)

Process takes 7 days on average for residential and commercial projects

City currently at market best practice. The FERC standard is to review systems <2MW satisfying the technical screens within 15 business days. Ideally, policy is to review within 5 business days of submittal for residential systems.

[I12] Provide New Meter with Appropriate Capabilities(13)

No fees for net metering

City currently at best practice. Net meters should also be bi-directional and have a time of use rate.

[I13] Post Interconnection Fee Information Online(5)

Interconnection fee information available online, but not directly linked to on PV Partners page.

Utility currently at best practice, but consider providing information in an easily accessible location. Interconnection fees available at:

[I14] Base Interconnection Fee on Actual Cost to Administer(14)

All net-metered solar projects are $0.

Interconnection fee is less than or equal to FERC SGIP standard: The FERC standard fee for inverter based systems under 10kW satisfying the technical screens is $100. The FERC standard fee for systems under 2MW passing the technical screens is $500. The FERC standard for systems not passing the screens and going through the study process is based on actual costs, is invoiced to the applicant after the study is completed, and includes a summary of professional time. The customer shall submit a deposit not to exceed $1,000 towards the study cost.

[I15] Post Information on Interconnection Engineering Review Fees Online(1)

Fee schedule for supplemental engineering review is online.

Utility currently at best practice, but consider providing information in an easily accessible location. Available at: (Pg 4).

[I16] Post Interconnection Inspection Requirements Online(4)

Information posted online

Utility currently at best practice, but consider providing information in an easily accessible location. Available at: (Pg 7).

[I17] Streamline Inspection Turnaround Time(12)

Process takes 7 days on average for residential and commercial

Utility currently at best practice. Inspection time from receipt of certificate of completion (or inspection request) to issue of approval/denial meets or exceeds FERC standard. The FERC standard is to complete inspection process within 10 business days. Ideally, policy is to inspect within 5 business days of request for residential systems.

[I18] Offer Convenient Inspection Scheduling(7)

Provide a specific appointment time and can be done in conjunction with building inspection

Utility currently at best practice.

[I19] Unified Process for Building Permit and Interconnection(2)

Option to have both inspections done at the same time by calling in 3 business days ahead

Utility currently at best practice. City should make it standard to have a single inspection which covers both the building permit and permission to interconnect. If installer not required to be on site for more than one inspection, no action necessary.

showInterconnection Standards

1 of 5 Goals In Progress
4 of 5 Goals Achieved

[IS1] Technologies Eligible for Interconnection(13)

All generator types qualify

Utility currently at best practice.

[IS2] Interconnection System Size Limit(9)

Standard goes up to 1 MW, but can interconnect larger systems. No hard cap.

Utility currently at best practice.

[IS3] External Disconnect Switch Requirements(7)

Required for all systems

Disconnect switch is not required for qualifying inverter-based systems using UL listed equipment up to 10kW.

[IS4] Use IEEE1547 and UL1741 Standards for Interconnection(15)

UL1741 and IEEE1547 standards used for certification

City currently at best practice.

[IS6] Reasonable Liability Insurance Requirements for Interconnection(11)

No additional insurance required

Utility currently at best practice.

showDG Rate Tariffs

8 of 10 Goals Achieved

[DG1] Offer Net Metering for DG Customers(10)

Net metering program available to DG customers that gives retail value for delivered energy

Utility at best practice.

[DG2] Consider Alternative Compensation Methods for DG(1)

Feed-in-Tariff available for commercial projects as compensation for DG systems

Utility at best practice.

[DG3] No Hard Cap for Residential System Size(8)

Residential system size cap is based on annual on-site demand

Utility at best practice.

[DG4] Set Reasonable Limits for Cumulative Program Capacity(8)

5% of peak demand with a cumulative cap of 9 MW

Utility at best practice.

[DG5] Offer Equitable Value for Excess Generation(3)

Excess generation can rollover indefinitely and true up at wholesale rate

Utility at best practice.

[DG6] No Extra Charges or Fees Targeted at DG Customers(9)

No TOU for Residential; TOU with segregated time periods for Commercial

Eliminate standby charges or other fees targeted specifically at DG customers. Consider developing safe harbor language protecting DG customers from unspecified additional equipment, fees, requirements to change tariffs, or other prohibitive provisions.

[DG7] Allow Customer to Retain RECs(9)

RECs owned by system owner

Utility at best practice.

[DG8] Allow all Customer Classes and Types to Participate(8)

All customer classes, retail choice customers, as well as third party owned systems are allowed

Utility at best practice.

[DG9] Allow Meter Aggregation(2)

Aggregation allowed under state law, but this has not been applicable yet.

Utility at best practice.

[DG10] Provide Transparent Monthly Billing Statements(2)

Billing statements only show net consumption.

Provide monthly billing statements that clearly describe customer consumption and generation, as well as compensation for DG if applicable.

showFinancing Options

1 of 1 Goals In Progress

[F4a] Explore Implementation of Community Shared Solar Program For Utility Customers(5)

No community solar program in place

Receieved approval to create community solar program. City will release RFP soon.

Utility at best practice.

showSolar Market Development

1 of 3 Goals In Progress
2 of 3 Goals Achieved

[M5] Make Solar Educational Resources Available to Customers(5)

Utility at best practice. Solar resources can be found at:

[M11] Develop and Publish a Solar Mapping Tool(2)

No such mapping tool exists.

Develop a solar map on the utility website showing installed solar systems. Include details on system sizes, locations, and total capacity.

[M12] Include Renewable Energy in IRP(4)

Renewable energy plans are incorporated into Utility's Integrated Resource Planning.

Utility at best practice.
