Council of Independent Colleges in Virginia Solar Roadmap

Roadmap Goals and Progress

The CICV team has created this TEMPLATE solar policy and program roadmap containing guidance on how to transform the local solar market. Each recommendation in the roadmap is supported with relevant reports, case studies, examples, and templates to support local and regional implementation efforts.

These roadmap goals are derived from attributes of successful solar communities nationwide, along with input from industry experts. Each goal represents a step toward making solar easier and more cost effective for all residents within the community. Expand each focus area below to show its related goals, and click the 'Take Action' button to access the relevant resources designed to help you achieve these goals. 


Show Active Objectives Only

showPermitting Process

1 of 14 Goals In Progress
7 of 14 Goals Achieved
High Impact Objective

[P1] Use a Standard Permit Application Form Specific to PV Systems(0)

There is a standard building permit application form, but nothing specific to PV currently

Consider adopting a standard application form specific to solar PV for qualifying projects under 10kW.

High Impact Objective

[P2] Make Permit Application Form Available Online(0)

Building permit application forms are available online, though no PV specific form currently in use

Town currently at market best practice! If a standard PV application form is adopted per goal [P1], make the form available online in an easily accessible location.

High Impact Objective

[P3] Allow Electronic Submittal of Application Form(0)

Solar PV permit application form can be submitted via email, but not online

Town currently at market best practice!

[P4] Require only 1 Permit Application Submittal(0)

Only 1 permit application submittal is required

Town currently at market best practice!

High Impact Objective

[P5] Post Permit and Inspection Process Information and Fee Schedules Online(0)

Solar PV permitting and inspection process information available by email and in person

Post information on the solar permitting and inspection process online in an easily accessible location. This should include the process steps, timelines, fees, point of contact, and any other pertinent information.

High Impact Objective

[P6] Streamline Permit Processing Time and Allow Expedited Process for Qualifying Projects(0)

Same day permit issuance for residential and commercial projects

Town at market best practice!

High Impact Objective

[P7] Base Residential Permit Fee on Actual Cost to Administer(0)

Flat residential solar PV permit fee of $30

Town currently at market best practice!

[P7 old] Tracking of Permit Process Time(0)

[P8] Base Commercial Permit Fee on Actual Cost to Administer(0)

Commercial solar PV permit fee is $3.50/$1000 + 2% of the total project cost

Base commercial permit fees on cost recovery, or if a flat fee is used keep the fee amount under $500.

[P8 old] OTC Process for Qualifying PV Projects(0)

[P9] Minimize Inspection Turnaround Time(0)

Inspection is performed within 2 business days of request

Town currently at market best practice!

[P9 old] Permit Fee Information is Online(0)

[P10] Offer Convenient Inspection Scheduling(0)

Town offers morning or afternoon appointment window and inspector calls ahead when on the way

Town currently at market best practice!

[P11] Require only 1 Inspection Visit(0)

Multiple inspection visits are required

Require only a single permit inspection. If additional inspections are required during installation, conduct in a manner that does not require installer to halt work.

[P12] Adopt an Inspection Checklist(0)

No inspection checklist currently in use

Utilize a standard inspection checklist for PV systems. The checklist serves as a guide for inspectors and installers containing points of emphasis and common issues.

[P12 old] Inspection Requirements are Online(0)

[P13] Allow a Structural Exemption for Qualifying Systems(0)

Civil, mechanical and structural PE stamps are required for residential systems

For qualifying residential systems meeting certain criteria, allow an exemption from structural analysis or structural PE stamp requirements.

[P14] Understand New Solar-Specific Building, Electrical, and Fire Codes(0)

Current knowledge level of staff regarding recent solar standards unknown

Be aware of and consider accepting new solar standards from most recent code cycles.

[P20 old] Fire Department Design Guidelines(0)

[P21 old] Planning Department Design Guidelines(0)

showPlanning & Zoning

2 of 7 Goals Achieved

[Z1] Pursue Protection for Solar Rights and Access(0)

No protection of solar access for homeowners and business owners

Create local ordinances which would protect property owners' right to install solar and ensure their property has unobstructed access to direct sunlight.

[Z2] Promote Solar Ready Construction via Ordinances or Building Codes(0)

No policies or guidance given to developers regarding solar-ready construction

Explore creation of municipal ordinances or guidelines which require or encourage new homes and buildings to be built solar-ready.

[Z2 old] Solar Rights Law Enforcement(0)

[Z3] Require Solar on New Construction(0)

No solar PV requirements for new construction

Explore implementing solar mandates for new construction for all buildings or a segment of the new building stock

[Z3 old] Solar Easements Law(0)

[Z4] Incorporate Solar Priorities into Comprehensive or Energy Action Plans(0)

Solar PV goals incorporated into 2012 Comprehensive Plan

Town currently at market best practice!

High Impact Objective

[Z5] Update Zoning Standards and Review for Solar Installations(0)

Zoning code addresses and supports solar PV

Town currently at market best practice!

[Z6] Update Zoning Standards and Review for Solar Installations - Historic and Viewshed Areas(0)

Zoning code for historic and viewshed areas does not specifically address solar

Ensure the zoning codes and ordinances that govern solar installations in aesthetically sensitive areas do not adversely affect property owners' ability to install solar. Allow staff members to review and approve applications when possible rather than requiring committee or planning commission review.

[Z7] Limit Impact of Restrictive Private Covenants(0)

Restrictive conditions may exist in some local developments

Work with homeowners associations to ensure that their covenant, conditions, and restrictions and bylaws do not create undue barriers to solar installations.

showFinancing Options

1 of 4 Goals Achieved
High Impact Objective

[F1] Support Statewide Efforts to Allow Third-Party Solar Financing, Including Solar PPAs and Leases(0)

Solar PPAs are legal only for certain organizations in Virginia under a pilot program

Support efforts to ensure state-level utility regulations do not restrict these finance mechanisms.

[F2] Explore Innovative Financing Programs For Utility Customers, Including Solar Loans or Roof Leases(0)

[F3] Offer On-Bill Solar Repayment Option to Utility Customers(0)

High Impact Objective

[F4] Support Statewide Efforts to Allow Community Shared Solar Projects(0)

Community shared solar projects are not legal in Virginia

Support efforts to ensure state-level utility regulations allow community solar projects.

[F4a] Explore Implementation of Community Shared Solar Program For Utility Customers(0)

Encourage efforts to set up a regional utility-sponsored Community Solar Program. If Community Solar is proven to be viable in the region, jurisdiction could assist in helping to recruit subscribers through existing networks.

[F5] Support Statewide Efforts to Allow PACE Financing(0)

Virginia has authorized certain local governments to establish PACE programs

Town currently at market best practice!

[F5a] Explore Implementation of Local PACE Financing Pilot Program (0)

Virginia passed legislation authorizing local governments to establish PACE loan programs

Establish a working group to evaluate the potential of a PACE financing program for clean energy upgrades in your Town.

High Impact Objective

[F6] Encourage Local Financial Stakeholders to Establish New Solar Loan Programs(0)

A handful of local banks are offering loans to Solarize Blacksburg customers

Town currently at market best practice! Encourage local financial institutions to continue offering loan programs for solar energy systems.

High Impact Objective

[F7] Promote Availability of Existing Solar Finance Options and Evaluation Tools(0)

Limited solar information and resources are currently available online

Publicize the availability of local solar finance options and evaluation tools for potential customers. This can be done by providing links and information online, marketing materials, or webinars.

showSolar Market Development

1 of 6 Goals Achieved
High Impact Objective

[M1] Support Aggregate Procurement Program for Residential Sector(0)

Town currently supporting implementation of Solarize Blacksburg

Town currently at market best practice!

[M2] Support Aggregate Procurement Program for Commercial Sector(0)

Establish a working group of businesses and commercial property owners to leverage their solar purchasing power by aggregating facilities for solar evaluation and procurement to reduce energy costs while demonstrating community leadership.

[M3] Explore Implementation of Collaborative Procurement Program for Municipal Facilities and Schools(0)

No collaborative solar procurement has been implemented to date

Consider aggregating municipal facilities or collaborating with towns across the region to aggregate facilities for a cost-effective procurement.

[M4 old] School Aggregation Program(0)

[M5] Make Solar Educational Resources Available to Customers(0)

[M6] Explore Installing Solar at Municipal Facilities, Including Landfill and Water Treatment Facilities(0)

No solar PV systems known to exist on landfills or water treatment facilities

Establish a working group to identify solar feasibility at municipal landfill and water treatment sites.

[M6a] Survey Brownfield Sites for Solar Development Opportunities(0)

No solar PV known to exist on brownfield sites

Establish a working group to explore solar development options across the state, following the best practices and case studies provided. Share information with market stakeholders.

High Impact Objective

[M7] Publicize Solar Workforce Development Resources and Industry Training Tools(0)

Limited solar information and resources are currently available online

Provide online access to training programs and resources for the installer community and potential workforce and organize an outreach and/or training event in order to generate awareness and understanding.

High Impact Objective

[M8] Provide Solar Educational Resources to Constituents(0)

Limited solar information and resources are currently available online

Help promote the availability of online tools and resources for the residential, commercial, and municipal solar markets through existing networks.

[M9] Publicize Innovative Solar Market Development Tools(0)

Limited awareness of these tools locally.

Help promote the availability of innovative market development tools for the residential, commercial, and municipal solar markets through existing networks.

[M10] Explore Joining Clean Energy Action and Recognition Programs(0)

Not participating in any such programs currently.

Establish a working group to explore options for setting clean energy goals for the community, including setting renewable energy development goals in long term planning documents or joining programs designed to encourage, support, and provide recognition for clean energy action.