Prince George's County, MD

Prince George's County, MD

This webpage has been created to help improve local solar market conditions and share the latest industry information to residents and stakeholders in Prince George's County.  Below you will find key solar market indicators and essential resources for residents, businesses, solar industry and government officials. There is also a direct link to the County's interactive policy roadmap designed to increase local solar installations by making it easier and more cost-effective to ‘go solar".

Community Profile

863,420 population
20% renewables by 2022
483 square miles

Residential Solar Potential

Upgrade to LEADER plan to display your community's solar potential.


The Solar Roadmap team has worked in close coordination with the County to develop a customized, interactive solar roadmap containing guidance on how to transform the local solar market. Each recommendation in the roadmap is supported with relevant reports, case studies, examples, and templates to support local and regional implementation efforts.

showPermitting Process

5 of 14 Goals In Progress
9 of 14 Goals Achieved

[P1] Use a Standard Permit Application Form Specific to PV Systems(18)

No standard form currently in use.

County working with MEA to implement pilot eSolar permitting portal.

County currently at market best practice!

[P2] Make Permit Application Form Available Online(176)

No standard form currently in use.

County working with MEA to implement pilot eSolar permitting portal.

County currently at market best practice!

[P3] Allow Electronic Submittal of Application Form(87)

No standard form currently in use.

County working with MEA to implement pilot eSolar permitting portal.

County currently at market best practice!

[P4] Require only 1 Permit Application Submittal(164)

No standard form currently in use.

County working with MEA to implement pilot eSolar permitting portal.

County currently at market best practice!

[P5] Post Permit and Inspection Process Information and Fee Schedules Online(80)

No standard form currently in use.

County working with MEA to implement pilot eSolar permitting portal.

County currently at market best practice!

[P6] Streamline Permit Processing Time and Allow Expedited Process for Qualifying Projects(75)

Permit application turnaround time is 4-5 days residential, >15 days commercial.

Consider an expedited or over-the-counter permit approval process for qualifying PV projects using a standard application form (see goal P1). For all projects, issue or deny permit within 3 business days of submittal for residential and within 5 business days for commercial.

[P7] Base Residential Permit Fee on Actual Cost to Administer(85)

Residential permit fee is valuation-based and averages $125.

County currently at market best practice!

[P8] Base Commercial Permit Fee on Actual Cost to Administer(55)

Commercial permit fee is valuation based at $60 per 100 panels.

Base commercial permit fees on cost recovery, or if a flat fee is used keep the fee amount under $500.

[P9] Minimize Inspection Turnaround Time(147)

Turnaround time for solar PV permit inspections is 2 business days.

County currently at best practice.

[P10] Offer Convenient Inspection Scheduling(94)

Appointment window 8 hours for residential, 2 hours for commercial.

Provide an appointment window of 2 hours or less if possible. Provide real time updates prior to arrival so contractor is aware and prepared.

[P11] Require only 1 Inspection Visit(82)

Single comprehensive inspection.

County currently at best practice.

[P12] Adopt an Inspection Checklist(21)

Inspection guidelines are available, though currently nothing is solar PV-specific.

Utilize a standard inspection checklist for PV systems. The checklist serves as a guide for inspectors and installers containing points of emphasis and common issues.

[P13] Allow a Structural Exemption for Qualifying Systems(41)

Approval from a Structural Professional Engineer is required on all systems.

For qualifying residential systems meeting certain criteria, allow an exemption from structural analysis or structural PE stamp requirements.

[P14] Understand New Solar-Specific Building, Electrical, and Fire Codes(82)

County has adopted most recent code versions including 2012 IBC

County currently at market best practice! Be aware of and consider accepting new solar standards from most recent code cycles.

showPlanning & Zoning

3 of 6 Goals In Progress
4 of 6 Goals Achieved

[Z1] Pursue Protection for Solar Rights and Access(72)

Solar rights and access protected at the state level

County currently at market best practice!

[Z2] Promote Solar Ready Construction via Ordinances or Building Codes(15)

County investigating integrating solar into upcoming zoning code update.

Explore creation of municipal ordinances which require new homes and buildings to be built solar-ready.

[Z4] Incorporate Solar Priorities into Comprehensive or Energy Action Plans(66)

Natural Environment section of the Plan Prince George’s County 2035 incorporates solar priorities

County currently at market best practice!

[Z5] Update Zoning Standards and Review for Solar Installations(92)

Solar not addressed in current zoning code.

Solar will be incorporated in zoning ordinance update, which is underway in 2014.

Ensure the zoning codes and ordinances that govern solar installations, such as setbacks, height limits and lot use provisions, do not restrict property owners' ability to install solar.

[Z6] Update Zoning Standards and Review for Solar Installations - Historic and Viewshed Areas(26)

County investigating integrating solar into upcoming zoning code update.

Ensure the zoning codes and ordinances that govern solar installations in aesthetically sensitive areas do not adversely affect property owners' ability to install solar. Allow staff members to review and approve applications when possible rather than requiring committee or planning commission review.

[Z7] Limit Impact of Restrictive Private Covenants(81)

No ordinances creating a barrier to solar

County currently at market best practice!

showFinancing Options

1 of 4 Goals In Progress
1 of 4 Goals Achieved

[F1] Support Statewide Efforts to Allow Third-Party Solar Financing, Including Solar PPAs and Leases(16)

Solar PPAs and leases are legal and supported in Maryland

County currently at market best practice!

[F4] Support Statewide Efforts to Allow Community Shared Solar Projects(3)

No community solar enabling legislation exists

Support state-level efforts to allow community shared solar projects.

[F6] Encourage Local Financial Stakeholders to Establish New Solar Loan Programs(63)

Limited solar financing options within the community currently

Encourage local financial institutions to establish loan programs for solar energy systems.

[F7] Promote Availability of Existing Solar Finance Options and Evaluation Tools(38)

Limited awareness of existing solar-related finance options and evaluation tools.

County added solar-specific resources for constituents to sustainable energy webpage.

Publicize availability of solar finance programs and evaluations tools on County's Sustainable Energy Webpage.

showSolar Market Development

3 of 5 Goals In Progress
3 of 5 Goals Achieved

[M1] Support Aggregate Procurement Program for Residential Sector(40)

No residential solar bulk purchase programs have been implemented to date.

County working with MD SUN to implement residential bulk purchase program.

County currently at market best practice!

[M3] Explore Implementation of Collaborative Procurement Program for Municipal Facilities and Schools(38)

No collaborative solar procurement programs have been developed to date.

Consider collaborating with agencies across the region to aggregate government facilities, including municipal buildings and schools, for solar evaluation and cost-effective procurement to demonstrate leadership and reduce energy costs while strengthening the economy and environment.

[M6] Explore Installing Solar at Municipal Facilities, Including Landfill and Water Treatment Facilities(62)

Solar installed at Wastewater Treatment Plant in Upper Marlboro.

County issued RFQ in April 2014 for solar on 2 new landfills sites.

County currently at market best practice!

[M7] Publicize Solar Workforce Development Resources and Industry Training Tools(21)

County summarizes energy project information on sustainable energy webpage.

County added solar-specific resources for constituents to sustainable energy webpage.

County currently at market best practice!

[M8] Provide Solar Educational Resources to Constituents(77)

County summarizes energy project information on sustainable energy webpage.

County added solar-specific resources for constituents to sustainable energy webpage.

Publicize availability of solar educational resources for constituents on County's Sustainable Energy Webpage.
