Minnesota Power Solar Roadmap

Minnesota Power

Roadmap Goals and Progress

These roadmap goals are based on attributes of utilities with successful solar programs nationwide, along with input from industry experts. Each goal represents a step toward making solar easier and more cost effective for all customers within your service territory. Your specific roadmap has been customized using a subset of the entire compilation of attributes, based on what is relevant for privately owned utilities in your region.

Expand each focus area below to show its related goals, and click the 'Take Action' button to access the relevant resources designed to help you achieve these goals.

Show Active Objectives Only

showInformation Access

0 of 3 Goals Not Started

[IA1] Create more written materials for distribution regarding solar and the enrollment process to reduce time spent addressing customer questions and concerns(0)

Application provided on website

Provide additional “how-to” materials regarding submission requirements and turnaround times on the Minnesota Power website

[IA2] Create more written materials to assist customers interested in distributed generation (0)

[IA3] Create an online application checklist(0)

[IA4] Provide standardized inspection checklist(0)

No standardized checklist developed

Generate a standardized checklist that contains information meter tech or engineers will need at later dates

[IA5] Make inspection checklist publicly available to contractors and installers(0)

No standardized inspection checklist developed

Upload standardized inspection checklist to MN Power website for public viewing

showApplication Tracking and Management

0 of 6 Goals Not Started

[AT1] Create option for customers to submit applications online for ease(0)

Application materials may be submitted via email, in person, or mail

Adopt tool that allows for online submission of applications

[AT8] Adopt an expedited application process for qualifying or simpler solar PV projects(0)

All applications, regardless of size or complexity, follow the same pathway. Minnesota Power Renewable Energy group has 15 days to complete the preliminary review

Adopt screening criteria to identify qualifying systems and implement expedited approvals process (<15 day turnaround)

[AT2] Allow customers and contractors to view application status in real-time online(0)

Customers can receive updates on their application only by calling or emailing the Renewables Group at Minnesota Power

Install online tracking software to provide quicker feedback to customers

[AT3] Utilize software to inform customers of any needed updates(0)

Contractors can receive updates on their application only by calling or emailing the Renewables Group at Minnesota Power

Install online tracking software with the ability to send contractors automated requests when updates are needed

[AT4] Set automatic reminders to ensure applications continue progressing (0)

Renewable Energy Group manually checks and ensure applications are still progressing

When application is received, set automatic reminders to ensure application moves through the Renewable Energy Group, Engineering, and Customer Service departments in timely manner

[AT5] Utilize software that interfaces with electronic application submission tool to store and track solar application information(0)

Application information is manually entered into a Microsoft Access database

Utilize software package that integrates DG enrollment and operations data into utility IT/OT systems

[AT6] Provide standardized inspection checklist(0)

[AT7] Make inspection checklist publicly available to contractors and installers(0)

[AT9] Remove the User Agreement from the Application(0)

showDistributed Generation Database

0 of 2 Goals Not Started

[DGD1] Create one centralized location to store data from all systems(0)

[DGD2] Integrate database with online application and mapping tools(0)

[DGD3] Replace the current Access database with a new distributed generation database(0)

Application information is manually entered into a Microsoft Access database, but this data is not always entered in Minnesota Power’s Geographic Information System (GIS)

Install an updated distributed generation (DG) database to tie new customer application data together with the entire Minnesota Power DG infrastructure (CIS and GIS data points)

[DGD4] Measure solar system impacts on grid stability(0)

No software is used to monitor grid stability impacts of distributed generation systems

Add distribution engineering analysis mapping software, such as Milsoft Utility Solutions, to measure impacts on grid stability

[DGD5] Add Interconnections to Internal Mapping Tools(0)

showSolar Energy Analysis Scalability

2 of 4 Goals In Progress

[SEA1] Utilize existing online tools to help streamline the SEA process(0)

The current process takes 3-6 hours

As a larger volume of applications are received from customers due to lower costs and changing Federal and State rebates, MP will benefit by implementing a scalable process

[SEA2] Utilize PV Watts II to estimate energy production and cost of grid-connected solar PV systems(0)

PV Watts II is not currently used

PV Watts is now part of the SEA program and is helping to reduce processing time

[SEA3] Utilize Google Earth for viewing potential shading/construction issues(0)

Google Earth is not currently used

Google Earth is now part of the SEA program and is helping to reduce processing time

[SEA4] Utilize PV Value Tool to create an income capitalization approach to estimate future value of solar(0)

PV Value Tool is not currently used

Utilizing this software will reduce SEA processing time