Alliant Energy (Wisconsin Power and Light) Solar Roadmap

Roadmap Goals and Progress

These roadmap goals are based on attributes of utilities with successful solar programs nationwide, along with input from industry experts. Each goal represents a step toward making solar easier and more cost effective for all customers within your service territory. Your specific roadmap has been customized using a subset of the entire compilation of attributes, based on what is relevant for privately owned utilities in your region.

Expand each focus area below to show its related goals, and click the 'Take Action' button to access the relevant resources designed to help you achieve these goals.

Show Active Objectives Only

showInterconnection Process Documentation

0 of 2 Goals Not Started

[IPD1] Have a documented procedure to review submitted applications, and for all other steps of the solar interconnection process(0)

The Distributed Generation staff and other involved employees have specific roles related to reviewing submitted applications, but no comprehensive documentation exists for application review procedures

Create formalized documentation to define roles and responsibilities as they relate to the DG application review process

[IPD2] Develop materials to train new employees on interconnection procedures(0)

Some training materials exist, but could be expanded, for onboarding new team members with responsibilities related to DG application review

Use the documentation to create comprehensive materials to train new employees to take up the responsibility of handling interconnections

showApplication Tracking and Management

4 of 8 Goals In Progress

[AT1] Create option for customers to submit applications online for ease(0)

Application materials may be submitted in person or via mail.

An online tool is being implemented to allow the additional option of online application submission. This tool should be fully functional within 2016.

Adopt tool that allows for online submission of applications, as planned.

[AT8] Adopt an expedited application process for qualifying or simpler solar PV projects(0)

[AT2] Allow customers and contractors to view application status in real-time online(0)

Customers can receive updates on their application only by calling or emailing

An online tool is being implemented that will provide this capability in early 2016

Install online tracking software to provide quicker feedback to customers, as planned

[AT3] Utilize software to inform customers of any needed updates(0)

Customers can receive updates on their application only by calling or emailing

An online tool is being implemented that will provide this capability in early 2016

Install online tracking software with the ability to send automated requests when updates are needed, as planned

[AT4] Set automatic reminders to ensure applications continue progressing (0)

Group manually checks to ensure applications are still progressing

An online tool is being implemented that will provide this capability in early 2016

When application is received, use software to set automatic reminders to ensure the application progresses in timely manner, as planned.

[AT5] Utilize software that interfaces with electronic application submission tool to store and track solar application information(0)

[AT6] Provide standardized inspection checklist(0)

No such checklist exists

Create a checklist for all employees, even new and inexperienced ones, to use while conducting on-site inspections, including tests.

[AT7] Make inspection checklist publicly available to contractors and installers(0)

No checklist is available for customers to see

Post the inspections checklist online so that all customers and contractors will be able to see it and know what to expect during inspections

[AT9] Remove the User Agreement from the Application(0)

[AT10] Expand interconnection team(0)

[AT11] Structure the interconnection team to have specialists for different application components (0)

[AT12] Start rejecting all incorrect applications(0)

Alliant Energy employees often proactively work with customers and contractors to correct applications and have missing information submitted.

All incorrect or incomplete applications should be rejected. Correcting the errors or omissions should be the responsibility of the customer and contractor, not Alliant Energy staff.

[AT13] Expand training for customers and contractors(0)

There is some training for contractors

Expand the training to better educate all customers and contractors, especially with the mistakes that are consistently made

showDistributed Generation Database

0 of 2 Goals Not Started

[DGD1] Create one centralized location to store data from all systems(0)

Application information is currently stored electronically. An online tool is being implemented that will become the new centralized location and system of record for DG application data in early 2016.

Utilize software package to store and track solar application information

[DGD2] Integrate database with online application and mapping tools(0)

The current application information database is not integrated with mapping tools. However, DG installations are manually mapped for internal reference in an enterprise GIS application using information from the database.

Utilize software that interfaces with electronic application submission tool and mapping tools to store and track solar application information.

[DGD3] Replace the current Access database with a new distributed generation database(0)

[DGD4] Measure solar system impacts on grid stability(0)

[DGD5] Add Interconnections to Internal Mapping Tools(0)